The Year Ahead – What Does 2022 Look Like?

The past two years have tested the resilience of individuals and the facilities management industry as a whole, but it has all been a time of great progress and positive change. Rebecca Laurence, Founder and CEO of Laurence Recruitment, and Glen Mowbray, Deputy Director at Major University Initiatives at the University of Canberra and President […]

Are you ready for Australia’s Great Resignation?

After two years of disruption, returning workers expect more from their employers. Economies the world over are fighting to recover from the massive disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, as the doors of long-dormant offices reopen, many employees have other thoughts. It turns out your employees have been doing more during their time at home […]

Resilience in the Workplace

Resilience is about the ability to cope with the ups and downs and bounce back from downs. In a workplace culture, this can be applied to an employees’ abilities to manage anything from a challenging workload to frustrating colleagues. It is said that those with greater resilience are better able to mange stress, which is […]

How hiring for attitude and cultural fit must be part of a Manager’s Mantra.


So you want to hire for attitude. We’ve all interviewed candidates who appear to be great. Their CV looks good, they interview well, their psychometric results indicate a strong match, references check out, and yet after a short time and often towards the end of the so called honeymoon period, cracks start to show. They […]

The Interview!

Image caption goes here We receive applications from candidates every day, we speak with candidates every day, we interview candidates every day, and it never seems to amaze me, no matter what level of seniority of candidate the lack of preparation, interaction, awareness and commitment to the process.So here are a few tips to help […]